A chemical is an abstract form of matter with specific chemical property characteristics and composition. Some common references include organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Some examples of chemical substances include amino acids, amines, alcohols, chlorides, carbon monoxide, ethyl esters, ethylene glycol, halogens, alkaloids, alkaline earth metals, anhydrous ammonia, amine compounds, phenols, quaternium compounds, sulfur compounds, tars, thiosulfates, and thiosulfates.
Chemical reactions are known to produce various types of chemicals, including water, air, and light. These chemical reactions are the basic processes of life and are usually done on living organisms. When there is change in a chemical substance, it may cause other changes in the chemical. A common example is carbon dioxide, which causes a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas and water vapor. The effects of this change are different in nature, depending on how the chemical is formed.
All chemicals have a unique set of properties, which can be expressed as a chemical reaction. The existence of chemical reactions is not necessarily the same for all types of chemicals. Some common examples of chemical reactions are: oxidation, reduction, addition, or substitution. Oxidation refers to a chemical reaction that results in the production of electrons. Oxidation is done by reactions between hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms that have lost an electron. Reduction is one of the most common chemical reactions that produces certain elements and other substances such as water. Reduction is sometimes referred to as the oxidation of water.
A compound is a group of two or more naturally occurring chemicals. Most commonly, compounds contain one of four elements namely: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. A compound can also contain one or more compounds of one or more of the four elements. An example of a compound is carbon dioxide. A combination of carbon and hydrogen is called water vapor. Compounds of nitrogen and oxygen are sometimes referred to as ozone. These compounds can react with one another or with an inert element to form other substances.
Many chemical reactions occur during biological processes. Some examples of biological processes include: respiration, photosynthesis, respiration, and conversion. Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy. Photosynthesis occurs when sunlight falls on a surface of plant leaves and triggers an enzyme to create a chemical reaction that converts this light energy into energy. Some organisms require the sun to produce energy; others obtain energy from the atmosphere, from other living organisms, and from the environment. Photosynthesis is an important part of the metabolic process. A reaction is commonly referred to as the oxidation of oxygen.
Natural resources, which are chemical reactions that take place in the environment, are also called biochemistry. Examples of biochemistry include: amino acids, fatty acids, DNA molecules, sugars, lipids, polysaccharides, lipoproteins, nucleic acids, proteins, RNA, and DNA fragments, proteins, and lipophorin. In addition, different combinations of one or more of these resources are also known as macromolecules. Some examples of macromolecules are: antibodies, covalent compounds, macromolecular complexes, enzymes, polysaccharides, DNA, amino acids, lipids, and nucleic acids.
A company that manufactures chemicals is City Chemical LLC and some of the chemicals are Acetone Sodium Bisulfite (540-92-1), Aluminum Fluoride (7784-18-1), Ammonium Carbamate (1111-78-0), Ammonium Iodide (12027-06-4), Ammonium Fluoride (7784-18-1), Barium Cyanide (542-62-1), Clerici Solution (61971-47-9), Cobalt Carbonyl (10026-22-9), Cupric Oxide (1317-38-0), Dichlorophene (97-23-4), Diethylsilane (542-91-6), 3,3-Dimethylnaphthidine (13138-48-2), Germanium Disulfide (12025-34-2), D-Glucosamine (3416-24-8), Hexamethylditin (661-69-8), Humic Acid (1415-93-6), DL-Iso-Citric Acid Sodium Salt (1637-73-6), Lead Thiocyanate (592-87-0), Molybdenum Dichloride Dioxide (13637-68-8), Nickel Monoxide (1313-99-1), Primuline (8064-60-6), Quininic Acid (86-68-0), Silicon Tetraiodide (13465-84-4), Silver Nitrate (7761-88-8), Tantalum Ethoxide (6074-84-6), Tetraethylgermanium (597-63-7), Tetraethylsilane (631-36-7), Triethylsilane (617-86-7), Zinc Chromate (13530-65-9), Zinc Silcofluoride (16871-71-9), 1,4-Naphthoquinone (130-15-4), 2,5-Dimethylindole (1196-79-8), 4-Chloro-2-nitrophenol (89-64-5), Antimony Trioxide (1309-64-4), Barium Manganate (7787-35-1), Benzyltrichlorosilane (770-10-5), Dibutyltin Sulfide (4253-22-9), Diphenic Acid (482-05-3), Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Salt (13235-36-4), Ferric Benzoate (14534-87-3), Ferric Oleate (1120-45-2), Gold Resinate (68990-27-2), Octachlorotrisilane (13596-23-1), Palladium Resinate (68425-21-8), Pangamic Acid Sodium Salt (77700-02-8), Platinum Acetate, Platinum Resinate (68916-35-8), Potassium Metaborate (16481-66-6), Potassium Thiosulfate (10294-66-3), Retene (483-65-8), Silicon Acetate (562-90-3), Silver Arsenate (13510-44-6), Silver Difluoride (7783-95-1), Silver-2,4-Pentanedionate (15525-64-1), Triolein (122-32-7), Zinc Oleate (557-07-3), Zinc Salicylate (16283-53-0), Lead Iodide (10101-63-0), Tubocurarine Chloride (57-94-3), Bismuth (III) Oxychloride (7787-59-9), Boron Tribromide (10294-33-4), Hexachlorodisiloxane (14986-21-1), Dodecylamine Acetate (2016-56-0), Silver Cyanide (506-64-9), Silver Periodate (15606-77-6), Magnesium Fluoride (7783-40-6), Silicon Tetraiodide (13465-84-4), Aluminum Citrate (31142-56-0), Cerium Molybdate (13454-70-1), Hexachlorodisilane (13465-77-5), Silicon Tetrabromide (7789-66-4), Cuprous Oxide (1317-39-1), Silver Iodide (7783-96-2), Silver Lactate (128-00-7), Silver Oxalate (533-51-7), Calcium Fluoride (7789-75-5), Potassium Manganate (10294-64-1). Click here to learn more.